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Yea, another basic 6...

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I'm just like all the others, wanting help for a "basic" ( I know that sounds pathetic lmao ) mission. Anyways, I read up on unix commands, got that part figured out, I managed my way through 1-5, but this 6 just kills me. I havent even an idea where to start… look at source? Do I use the about:config like in a couple missions back? Any help would be appreciated, also u can add me to msn if ya like wasa_6@hotmail.com ( I added u nights_shadow, accept it please lol.

** Please no spoilers**

You don't learn anything that way, and no one cares about your damn points, so if you really wanna become a hacker, never use spoilers, and think logic. Sounds funny I just said "think" because I have no fu**ing clue how to do this. lmao. So yea, lol, like I said, any help would be great. thx. Oh yea, MERRY XMAS everyone :)

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yeah your not the only one who is totaly stuck on basic 6 :( btw the missions don't get harder whit there number soo try outhers and don't sit there killing yourself over basic 6 :d

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Yea thx man. I tried another mission, and I got it, and then I went back to basic six and saw my error, I just forgot to add the thing between these brackets —> $ chmod *** ( )/***.txt lol so yea, but thanx anyways.

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