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bacic 3

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ok i have user agent switcher and i have changed the user and and even used about:config and have no clue on wtf im doing wrong plz help me out i have aim if thats e-z r to talk on insted of posting and posting its givemhell1345

ghost's Avatar
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im guessing all the veiews are ppl who need help 2 lol plz help out5 if you know anything

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OK, it does make it easier if you have firefox, and the User Agent Switcher.

Now just make a new agent with the name that might let you access the points…;)

Cybernaught's Avatar
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Ok, I have Mozilla Firefox, I have the User Agent Switcher, I have restarted Mozilla so that it's loaded up and all, I have added a new string… I don't know if I'm using the right name, or if I need all the fields for the string filled out, if so what needs to be entered, and what in the world is the name… I tried "bwh3" to begin with, and then "user_agent, bwh3_user_agent" and those are the only 2 names I'm seeing lol. Maybe this has more to do with the source of the page along with the other 2 Basic's? Anyway there have been a lot of views and if no one wants to spoil it for everyone else please PM me, or e-mail me at andrewmr_02@hotmail.com. Thanks

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Ok, I have Mozilla Firefox, I have the User Agent Switcher, I have restarted Mozilla so that it's loaded up and all, I have added a new string… I don't know if I'm using the right name, or if I need all the fields for the string filled out, if so what needs to be entered, and what in the world is the name… I tried Edited to begin with, and then Edited and those are the only 2 names I'm seeing lol. Maybe this has more to do with the source of the page along with the other 2 Basic's? Anyway there have been a lot of views and if no one wants to spoil it for everyone else please PM me, or e-mail me at andrewmr_02@hotmail.com. Thanks

I discovered that what I was trying to use as my User Agent 'code' was incorrect, and that I hadn't selected the string as the defualt! For future help make sure you go to Tools>User Agent Switcher>Select your new string as default! It was that simple! For the User Agent 'code' it's in the "wrong_user_agent, _… On the Basic 3 page. Really It's not that hard, just keep working at it. Thank you for all your help and if this still doesn't do it for anyone I found there are a lot of other Basic 3 discussions! Also if anyone knows anything concerning "about:config" please help me understand it, it could come in handy later, when I used it I got a large list of different things and I had no clue which string to change… Thanks again post it, PM or e-mail me at the above address for the "about:config"!