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Basic 3

Exc3ll0's Avatar
545 0

I’m not sure what I’m missing here… It asks for a username, which can be found quite easilly if you use the same knowledge as in prerequisites 1 and then encrypt is from ASCII to B***** I even tried just inputing the username in ASCII and doesn’t work. To conclude, I tried javascript cookie injection and then the username and still doesn’t work. Can anyone give any hints?

Exc3ll0's Avatar
545 0

So, I see a lot of views. Is anyone going to reply?

Ce1tic13h0y's Avatar
2,340 28

op 2022 [at the time i had completed it on old site, but not on the new site. so i didn’t want to leave poor advice and posted this below]

  • send me a pm
  • Don’t send me a pm

update 2023.

  • you never sent private message to me.
  • JSi have been nerfed they don’t work anymore, unless your running a old browser version circa 2010 or before.
  • it might have been Broken/buggy since the upgraded system went Live, but its all good now.