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Basic 10

eekster's Avatar
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Hi guys -

Need your help here please. I have tried 4 different proxies with the correct range. All proxies are working ( using one of them right now ). Confirmed that my ip address has changed after turning the proxy on in firefox preferences .

eg ( testing the latest proxy on http://www.my-ip-address.net/ )

Your IP Address is

Still, when I try the challenge, I get the :

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /challenges/basic10/admin/ on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.hellboundhackers.org Port 80

error message.

This is driving me nuts :o What am I missing?

Thank you.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
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If you're already logged into HBH, and are refreshing the forbidden page after changing to the proxy server, then it wont work.

HBH's cookies are IP based, so if your proxy worked and your IP changed, you'd be logged out on your next click, but as the forbidden page is also accessable without a login, you'd still end up on that page every time anyway.

You already know the proxy is working because you checked it externally, so use it to login to HBH and then access the challenge page.

Not all proxies will work, even if they are in the correct range, so if you still get the 403 forbidden error, drop me a PM with the IP and port of the proxy you're using and I'll check it out.

eekster's Avatar
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Thank you for the reply!

Yeah I've seen on another thread that being logged in while trying basic 10 would be an issue so I made sure to log out of HBH before turning the proxy on in Firefox. I only logged back in after proxy is turned out and tested externally.

So far I've tried 5 different proxies within the range, and made sure they are anonymous ones - I wasn't sure if this challenge checks for X-Forwarded-For field in the http header :) Still no luck. I'm waiting for other proxies to become available so that I could try them out, but I'm losing hope with every proxy I try!

I'll pm you the ones I've tried already!

Thanks again.