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Basic 9 completion

darkwingss's Avatar
0 2


I obtained the username and password but when I go back to basic9 index page to complete the mission it keeps telling me that the password is wrong. Any ideas?

Huitzilopochtli's Avatar
10 9

The best idea would be not using the username as the password.

darkwingss's Avatar
0 2

Oh :) Funny how I allowed myself such a mistake. Thanks!

clapsclaps's Avatar
140 0

I am really not getting it Tried a lot of ways search to see if there is a way to decrypt the password but unlucky. Can you give me a hint ?

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

It’s cool man, you dont need to decrypt the password once you’ve found it, the problem is the challenge appears to be down for now.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

@clapsclaps Myself and @rex_mundi are currently looking into this. As for me and other users the challenge works correctly and for some users it doesn’t accept the password that you find in the challlenge.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

@clapsclaps The issue with this challenge has been resolved now. There was a problem with the database ID for the challenge so when the correct password was being submitted the system was marking a yet to be released challenge as complete not basic 9 which is why the page was redirected without any flash message being displayed as the current page didn’t match the known ID of the challenge that was marked as complete.

Due to this issue we have run our daily task to recount users challenge point manually to ensure that all users have the correct challenge points. This task has completed and hasn’t changed any point value so this issue was only marking the yet to be released challenge as complete not awarding extra points due to missing data in the challenge as it hasn’t been released yet.

clapsclaps's Avatar
140 0

Great happy to read my brain is still working fine ;) Pending the resolution to validate Thank you all