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Basic 7

aljohnston112's Avatar
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It says "you need to encrypt it." I am assuming that this means the cookie "sam." When you use ascii encryption it gives you different lines of text! This is where I'm confused. I've tried inputting multiple lines, but it doesn't work. I've also tried binary stuff, because I read it on another post, but I don't know why I'd use binary. I tried changing sam to binary and inputting that in. I've also tried changing the cookie to the binary. Nothing 've done works. It might help to know what type of text/encryption the cookie "sam" is since I really don't know what it is.


Hehe, I forgot to try binary in the {Spoiler Removal} :D

ghostraider100's Avatar
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Cookie changing won't work you have to try another form of inputting.

Thins may help you.