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Basic 24

ghost's Avatar
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I am afraid the Basic24 bot has crashed, and I believe it was my fault. However, I did not receive the password for the challenge, so I believe I may have found a bug or just got lucky in crashing it. Is there a certain string required to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and obtain the password for credit?

I have archived the last 10 strings I inputted into the bot to cause the crash for analysis if any (those who are maintaining it) are interested.

ghost's Avatar
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I've fixed the bot, please pm me those strings.

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only_samurai wrote: I've fixed the bot, please pm me those strings.

Sorry, took it down again trying something similiar (but I thought was different enough)… I hope that it really isn't me taking it down…. but if what I am doing is getting through, then yeah it probably is my fault…

BTW, pm sent.

ghost's Avatar
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It looks like you did take it down a second time, but it seemed to come back up on it's own this time, as it should have before. I've hacked in a bit of extra logging now and I'll take a look at making it more verbose tomorrow. Between that and the info you pm'd me, I think I should be able to sort out the root cause.

For everyone doing this challenge - If you notice a bug/issue/error on the bot, either drop me a pm here or on the IRC. I'll need information about exactly what you did and any output you got from the bot.

Hopefully we can get all the issues sorted out.


ghost's Avatar
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I mentioned it before, the bot appears to crash when it tries to compute something that is difficult - like finding a key to an md5 hash. I recommended making it ignore expensive operations.

stealth-'s Avatar
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gregorian wrote: I mentioned it before, the bot appears to crash when it tries to compute something that is difficult - like finding a key to an md5 hash. I recommended making it ignore expensive operations.

The impression I was under was that he fixed that with a wrapper. This sounds like something different.

ghost's Avatar
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stealth- wrote: [quote]gregorian wrote: I mentioned it before, the bot appears to crash when it tries to compute something that is difficult - like finding a key to an md5 hash. I recommended making it ignore expensive operations.

The impression I was under was that he fixed that with a wrapper. This sounds like something different.[/quote]

This is something different. The bot doesn't actually do the cracking itself, it outsources it to a web service that has a database of hashes. The web service has since shutdown, so it needs to be pointed a a new one. I'll take a look at getting something setup to parse the result out md5decrypter.com or somesuch

ghost's Avatar
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FWIW, I actually found where the issue was that was causing the bot to crash and I've patched the code. I'll leave the monitoring scripts up in case there are other buggers in the code, but this should be good for now.

macfarlanet's Avatar
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I really need some help with this one. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing except for basic IRC commands and the idea that I think I'm supposed to make it quit.

I've never used IRC before and I can't even seem to find a good article with google.

I've never asked before, and I don't mind if no one wants to, but would anyone be willing to give me some personal guidance with this one? I'm really lost…