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Basic 10

ghost's Avatar
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My IP;as seen on whatismyip.com is:

Which is well within the IP range.

I even did a graphical trace route of my access route:

I still get the error in basic 10; what am I doing wrong?

Added: Sorry;s**tty work on the image. The trace route isn't of much use;but it looks nice!!:)

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, I know right? I made a thread like this and it got deleted.

ghost's Avatar
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Well,lets hope this one gets a good answer.

stealth-'s Avatar
Ninja Extreme
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Well, the challenge does work, I just completed it again myself. I'm one of the ones who happens to not need a proxy, so I don't know if I'll be much help here.

The IP address that I can get in with is 207.6.16.***, so my only guess is that the script is telling you the wrong range, or telling you a much bigger range than it's actually looking for (I can't tell because it won't show me the range from my IP).

ghost's Avatar
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If you reset your router you that can change your ip, but you dont know what it will be until you check, i used foxyproxy for this one and it worked.

ghost's Avatar
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Finally this bastard mission accepts one out of ten proxies in the working range.

olichip's Avatar
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I just really don't get how I'm supposed to know what proxy to use

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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olichip wrote: I just really don't get how I'm supposed to know what proxy to use

Just like basic 1, It will give you the parameters you need.

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