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Basic 24, bot quit because of excessive flood?

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It said that it quit because of excess flood. It hasn't returned since the last time I was able to interact with it. I tried a lot of commands, but then I should be the one who's kicked. It doesn't make sense for the bot to quit.

Anyway, I made it echo the /quit command. That didn't work. Incorporating decryption and encryption commands didn't work because the bot gives a sentence as a response. I tried looking for the common forms of encryption for irc and irc bots, I couldn't find anything that was not related to ssl or encryption of code. I tried all forms of encryption that the bot supplies for 'quit' and made it echo them with '/' prefixed. Am I going in the wrong direction?

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i didn't do it as well but i got you're close when you use some encryption function with malformed data

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I restarted the bot for basic24. It was forced off by the IRCd, due to excessive messages from the bot. It should be good to use again now.

If the bot goes down, feel free to drop me a pm or to tell someone in #hbh if I'm not around, and I'll get it restarted ASAP. When I get a bit of free time (hah) I'll go through and setup psmon or somesuch to make sure the bot auto-restarts in these cases.

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might be easy just to build in?

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Raw IRC commands aren't done with a "/", that is simply when YOU send them via your client ;)

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system_meltdown wrote: Raw IRC commands aren't done with a "/", that is simply when YOU send them via your client ;)

Speaking of IRC clients, are you ever going to join #hbh again?

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I think the bot becomes unresponsive when you give it large computations. I just tested this:

17:49 <greg> @say yo 17:49 <Bot24> yo 17:59 <greg> @md5 hola 17:59 <Bot24> hola encoded to MD5 is: 4d186321c1a7f0f354b297e8914ab240 17:59 <greg> @md5crack 4d186321c1a7f0f354b297e8914ab240 18:00 <greg> @b64 sheep 18:00 <greg> @say you

I suppose the mission doesn't require any decryption, and the bot just compares the entered command with the desired command. The bot returns in a few minutes. Just a suggestion, but couldn't you make the bot ignore unnecessary computations instead of restarting? I kept doing this continuously last time, and that might have been the cause of the bot quitting?

P.S. I sort of did the mission the dirty way, didn't I? :p

EDIT: Am I on the right track using the logic behind email injections?

EDIT: Yes, that's the way. Using system_meltdown's suggestion, send commands the way a bot would. Thanks to wolfmankurd for his help.

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spyware wrote: [quote]system_meltdown wrote: Raw IRC commands aren't done with a "/", that is simply when YOU send them via your client ;)

Speaking of IRC clients, are you ever going to join #hbh again?[/quote]

I doubt it. Came in and it was just as I remember it, bunch of guys idling. If people wanna chat, MSN is easier.

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system_meltdown was right:
Came in and it was just as I remember it, bunch of guys idling. If people wanna chat, MSN is easier.

Amen to that brother.

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MoshBat wrote: Don't forget that there's about two of everyone, to give the illusion that it's busy.

Actually, the reason I joined from aldar's box is just so I can quickly see when my website is/went offline. Not sure why the other people have multiple connections, probably different computers they join from.

Anyhew, the people here bitching that it's just a bunch of guys idling are, well, idiots. Firstly by saying "it's not busy so we shouldn't go there" is a neverending cycle of no one being there, secondly, I exchange at least ~200 lines a day on there. Often more.

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spyware wrote:

Anyhew, the people here bitching that it's just a bunch of guys idling are, well, idiots. Firstly by saying "it's not busy so we shouldn't go there" is a neverending cycle of no one being there, That's exactly what I thought. Become the change you want to see in the world – MG

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MoshBat wrote: Before now I've been there for a few hours and seen less than five lines. C'mon. Sometimes it's a little busy, other times it's quiet. Timezones.

Often, there are only two people talking, then one of them goes. As I always have the IRC window above all others on either my Laptop or on the left/right screens, I usually reply to things that I can pretend I know about.

Now we know why #hbh is so silent. ;)

Seriously though, all the "flaws" you've pointed out can be remedied by more people from all over the globe connecting to psych0tik.

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I've gotten the Basic24 bot setup under a monitoring script that should restart it if it's died. The monitoring process will be checking every 5 minutes.

If you have issues with the bot, and it doesn't restart after 5 minutes, shoot me a pm either here or on the IRC, and i'll take a look.


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All hail the mighty samurai.


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gregorian wrote: Just a suggestion, but couldn't you make the bot ignore unnecessary computations instead of restarting? I kept doing this continuously last time, and that might have been the cause of the bot quitting?

The bot only has a single thread, so what what happens is all the messages are thrown into a queue. If you tell the bot to do a large amount of computing, and the server sends a ping, sometimes it won't get a chance to get to the ping in the queue and is unable to respond to the ping in time. Since it doesn't respond, the server kicks it.

I had the same issue as you while doing the challenge, and that's my best guess to what was happening. It's really not much of a problem if you just avoid spamming the bot with commands.

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MoshBat wrote: Every time, you actually highlight my OWN joke, and add what you hope is witty. C'mon, it was obvious, and didn't need to be said.

Didn't know you were into the whole self-deprecation thing. Anyhow,

Sure if people joined, it would, obviously, get a bit more busy. But they just won't. There are on average 5 users on this site at a time. 5 that actually talk in the forums/shoutbox. Some join #hbh every now and then, others don't bother for reasons that only they know. It has already been advertised to death (not literally), I don't think that you're gonna harvest more folk, unless more start visiting this place. Maybe that would be a better use of time/strategy?

Wait, so you want me to bring more people to HBH? I think the reason the IRC channel was created is partly that HBH people could meet without having to use these dreadful forums/stare at challenges/etc.

I'm not going to bring more people to HBH. That's ludicrous. HBH sucks. #hbh is alright though, so might I remind everyone to point their IRC client to -ssl storm.psych0tik.net #hbh.

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I'm locking this thread as the original issue has been addressed and the thread has turned into a flamefest