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Need help with javascript 16

deadsun's Avatar
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I'm trying to build a brute force JavaScript program to do this challenge, the thing is that this is my first brute force script, and I don't know JavaScript very well. lol sounds worse than it is, but any way I have it wrote and in my mind it should work, but it doesn't and I cant figure out why. I normally program in c++ so I'm not completely ignorant in programming just new to JavaScript. I really would like to have some one who knows JavaScript to look at my source to help me find the problem. I don' want to post it here because it would probably would be considerd a majior spoiler. lol So if you will help please let me know. Thank you in advance


(P.S. any tips also helps)

ghost's Avatar
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Read the other JS 16 threads, then you know in what format the pass is (and then you can make a "smart" brute-forcer)

deadsun's Avatar
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takes palm to face

thanks for the suggestion, for some reason I didn't think of converting it to c++ lol. but I fell so bad to take the easy way out , iv done so much to get this far and to throw it away would be like cheating myself out of learning. I think I will try the C++ idea but I would still like to know what I'm doing wrong with the JavaScript. (all I care about is learning not just doing the challenge to get the points, and trust me I have a lot of learning to do with JavaScript)

deadsun's Avatar
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WOW this is an insane challenge, I'm tempted to try and just guess it I'm I know its (wordNUMBERword), it makes since, its 12 charters long and the words are same length and number is 4 digits long. lol so its 2 4 letter words with a 4 digit number in between them. and since it makes since I'm guessing that the number is 1337. but as far as the actually problem with the brute forcer goes I get what you mean by a Smart brute forcer now, I'm definitely going to try and play with the algorithm and build a much smarter brute forcer, thanks for all the help guys.

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know why you think the words are of the same lenght and that the number is 4 digits long.. I believe there are more possible solution, but in my answer, the words weren't of the same lenght and the digit didn't have a lenght of 4. But you're right about the thing that it's wordNUMBERword and that the lenght is 12 characters (maybe it can differ, but let's say the lenght is 12). Knowing this two things should be enough to make a bruteforcer..

deadsun's Avatar
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I read in an article that the words are each 4 letters long, maybe it was a typo or something, but it also says they changed it from the original to accept more than one password, I'm guessing to many people were pissed that there were way to many collisions. and at mosh how do you delete the thread? sorry I don't post often and its not an option on the thread I see.