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Basic 12 and JTR password list

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Hi, I've managed to get the hash and I've saved that in a txt file. I've downloaded JTR and I'm running it now in a command prompt on my desktop :) ( I know that's not much of an achievement but hey I'm a total noob and me and the command prompt go back about 5mins)

I read somewhere here that I need to run JTR with Cain's word list. I've noticed that JTR has a .lst extention and Cain has a .txt extention on thier respective wordlist files.


  1. Can I just rename the .txt to .lst to use it for JTR?

2 Do I just use the command prompt and tell JTR to use Cain's Wordlist.txt?

3 If I have to convert the txt file to a lst file, where do I find info on doing that? (i tried "text to lst" in google and variations but didn't get any joy there)

4 sorry if i'm being a tard.


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Take a look at John's password.lst in notepad, and you'll see it's just a standard text file. The same is true of Cain's wordlist, so yes, you can just point JTR at Cain's wordlist.

EDIT: All that both programs do is read the file line by line, ignore comments, and use the content of each line as a seperate password. It doesn't matter what extension the file has, just that it's in the proper format.

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mastergamer wrote: ….. so yes, you can just point JTR at Cain's wordlist.

Thanks, and woooo wooo I got it. :)