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can anyone help me

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hey yall. can anyone give me a good site to learn Unix commands. They sorta confuse me so i was wondering were to learn them:D

any and all help is appreciated

thanx in advance .:D

ghost's Avatar
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thank you so much. ill should have it here in a bit…

once agian thank you

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see now that is AWESOME….now everyone can learn…learn which ppl are D***s and who aren't.:D

see everyone just look up and you can learn alot .


jk jk jk. not really but still

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lol i agree that he was acting like a dick when he told you it :P but many people overlook the fact that using google is really helpful for finding many things. especially simple things. so next time your stuck on something, or if you get stuck on a certain unix command, google whatever it is and check the results. you'll probably get the help you need and get it faster than posting on this forum.

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thanx…i appreciate all it. at least your were nice about it…:)

do all that next time.