Welcome to HBH! If you had an account on hellboundhacker.org you will need to reset your password using the Lost Password system before you will be able to login.

Basic 4

ghost's Avatar
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I've seen through a lot of threads about this one and they do all say "find it in another directory" and ive ried tons of combinations but i can't fin the right one

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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well it's not found in file basic4/ !! what is the closest possible alternative

ghost's Avatar
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i know its not in basic4 but tried many others

even tried to delete basic4 from the URL

ghost's Avatar
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clone4 wrote: well it's not found in file basic4/ !! what is the closest possible alternative

Just re-read this man. So its NOT in the directory basic 4. So what else should you try? Think. You wont find it in /basic4/ it has to be changed to something else.

ghost's Avatar
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Figured it out

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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you're not reading my post properly, if you have the url http://www.hellboundhackers.org/challenges/basic4/htpasswd.php, and it's not found in BASIC4, you can change just one character to get to other valid folder, so what charcter do you have to change? if you don't get this, I either suck in giving clues, or you are a dumbass

Shai123's Avatar
hacker from home (;
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u just need to write in end: "htpasswd.php" like they call u to do and change it sometimes till u find the right direftory the passwod is: /basic4/ and when u be in the right directory u will know it… and good job, u pass basic 4 vg

GSmyrlis's Avatar
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the mission is stupid… dont try to find reason, just do what you are thinking, find the damn directory