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Basic 13, question about XSS attacks.

ghost's Avatar
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I tried Google but I couldn't find exactly what I needed. I save the page, edit what I need 2, and save it. Now when I open it and submit the form it merely reloads the page. Doesn't do anything what so ever. Now I' am sure its something simple I' am overlooking so anyone have any advice on this?

ghost's Avatar
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I don't think the page is accessing the net. In the url bar it says: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user1/Desktop/index.php.htm Doesn't look like its accessing the net in any way… Re saved the page to make sure it wasn't something I deleted. I have no clue on this, I was considering maybe its the Firefox browser but no. So what is it… Any takers?

flame_1221's Avatar
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Did you check the link given by themastersinner?

ghost's Avatar
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Oh…lol, just did. Think this might work. Thxs.

ghost's Avatar
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Alright so I took a look at the article and I put the form action thing but I keep getting this: Malformed Request Please check that no referrer spoofing applications are active and try again. -So forgive me if the answer is obvious, tired. Any help? I tried changing the url to something else, but when I did that every time I pressed enter it just took me to the Malformed Request page. I tried changing "Post" to "Get" but all that did was take me to the page when I pressed enter and on this page our friend George isn't on the menu (a lil humor cant kill ya). I tried the Javascript way but it didn't quite work for me. So any advice or a good kick in the right direction?

EDIT: I' am crashing out but if you leave a reply or send me a pm I'd be very grateful. Thanks.