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Basic 7

ghost's Avatar
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I can't figure out how you're supposed to write to the correct cookie. I know the javascript that you use but it goes to some unamed cookie whenever I try it, so the site doesn't even know it's there.:(

ghost's Avatar
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similar problem. do we just put in the javascript for the cookie or what? do we put the user name somewhere? someone please pm me w/ some info bc it seems like i have tried everything over the past couple of weeks and nothing is working.

ghost's Avatar
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view the source and you'll see that some very useful script is mapped out free from encryption and all those other horrible things that your parents warn you about BUT you need to encrypt it as it mentions in the mission briefing. Then, use simple SQL to fnisih the mission.

ghost's Avatar
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good himts

ghost's Avatar
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my javascript:void is not lettin me overrite the cookie.. even after i cleared all of my cookies still it havent changed a bit..

ghost's Avatar
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Do we have to encrypt the coockie?!?! :D and use SQL? or can we use javascript injection