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problem with php& curl

ghost's Avatar
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i use XAMPP , and i;l do my pc web server… the command allow_url_fopen enabled.. and i write this script: <?php

$handle = fopen("http://www.hellboundhackers.org", "r");

?> but it doesn't open the site…. why??? what i'm doing wrong????:(

ghost's Avatar
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what exactly do you want to do ? echo a site in ur domain ?

ghost's Avatar
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yes… i want to open the site……:|

ghost's Avatar
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u just opend a handle …. fgets reads the page

why not use file() ?

$page=file("the homepage");

foreach ( $page as $line){ echo $line; }

ghost's Avatar
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dovis wrote: i use XAMPP , and i;l do my pc web server… the command allow_url_fopen enabled.. and i write this script: <?php

$handle = fopen("http://www.hellboundhackers.org", "r");

?> but it doesn't open the site…. why??? what i'm doing wrong????:(

Btw in PHP you gotta specify the actual file, not just the domain name. www.hellboundhackers.org/index.php for main page.

ghost's Avatar
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What is with this though? It used to work perfectly, now it just shows a blank page.

$page = fopen(&quot;http://www.hellboundhackers.org/index.php&quot;,&quot;r&quot;);
while ( $line = fgets($page) )
echo $line;

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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you need a user agent. blank user agent = blank page on hbh.