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Post Requests with Pyton (timed 2)

ghost's Avatar
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I have made a POST method in python for posting vars to a page here it is with some bits removed:

def postURL(url, values):
	strSession = 'PHPSESSID=<BLAH>;fusion_user=<BLAH>'
	dicH*****s = {'COOKIE': strSession}
	req = urll***.Request(url, values, dicHeaders)
	req.add_h****r('Referer', 'http://www.hellboundhackers.org/')
	responce = urll***.urlopen(req)
	the_page = responce.read()
	return the_page

I can use this method to log into my blog, the returned content from the method is the admin view of the blog.

however when i try this on timed 2 i just get the initial page that displays the hash

any ideas?

ghost's Avatar
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oh an im calling the method using

postURL("http://www.hellboundhackers.org/challenges/timed/timed2/index.php?","submit=Check&ans=" + logic(<blah>) )

logic returns a string which is the answer

cheers for the help anyone im going mad!


I think the issue is to do with a get variable called "check" which is empty now sure how to include this in the python script


postURL("http://www.hellboundhackers.org/challenges/timed/timed2/index.php?check=","submit=Check&ans=" + logic(<blah>) )

got i needed:

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every time i try to compile the code, i get an error. or am i supposed to compile it?