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Flash 1 glitch

ghost's Avatar
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Ok guys I did and decompiled everything and I have the whole password but when I type it in it doesn't work! I made sure about the caps and all but it still doesn't work…Any tips or something?

ghost's Avatar
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K nvm I got it now

ghost's Avatar
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okay guys i have no clue whats up i put in the freaking Flash 1 pswrd like 1231 times and like 12313 different ways and NOTHING! PM me what im doing wrong of if the challenge is down….i pm Cheese and he doesnt know he said what_a_legend made those challenges…peace

ghost's Avatar
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cis, pm me what you think and i'll help you :)

What_A_Legend's Avatar
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I can inform you that all the flash challanges are running fine.

Parker's Avatar
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cis_slayer wrote: okay guys i have no clue whats up i put in the freaking Flash 1 pswrd like 1231 times and like 12313 different ways and NOTHING! PM me what im doing wrong of if the challenge is down….i pm Cheese and he doesnt know he said what_a_legend made those challenges…peace

Im having the exact same problem.. I've tried it loadss of times, still nothing… anyone got any ideas?..


What_A_Legend's Avatar
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I only made the actual .swf, if you have got the password from there, and sure it is correct and you are not receiving no point's then this would be something to do with the php or the database, not my issue.

Parker's Avatar
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What_A_Legend wrote: not my issue.

I Never said it had anything to do with you, i was asking if anyone had some sort of solution..

SySTeM's Avatar
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It works fine.

Parker's Avatar
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Can i pm you with what i've got? 'Cause it's driving me insane.. i've got what i think is the pass but like i said it wont accept.


Parker's Avatar
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Can i pm you with what i've got? 'Cause it's driving me insane.. i've got what i think is the pass but like i said it wont accept.


Edit Sorry, i refreshed the page..