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Flash 3 - The Sound

ghost's Avatar
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I got trouble about hearing the password. Can i pm someone about this, just so i dont put any spoilers in here?


korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Put it through a good sound editor like fleximusic and play around with it, It's easy from there.

SySTeM's Avatar
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PM me if you like.

ghost's Avatar
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you can pm me also, use fleximusic or audicity. both good.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah its hard for non english folks to hear that sound good

I have it all .. done .. hear what he say but its little bit to for me

so please can i ask for help on this one

Like i say i have the mp3 have that sound program did the 2 things to get the good sound …. know the first 2 numbers but with the words i go wrongs …. can hear that good .. :)

My kids also my wife can't hear it … Please give me a hint B)

ghost's Avatar
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this may be a spoiler, but the letters are in alphabetical order

ghost's Avatar
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Hey thx

Well it was the one for me….

Some words looks the same on the soundtrack

But i had first one and second one .. 3 one and 4 one looks the same and i had the 5 one.. etc…

But any thx for the fast response :love:

ghost's Avatar
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bigggnick wrote: this may be a spoiler, but the letters are in alphabetical orderthats what i needed thanks :love: the numbers were clear but you know im not an english speaker so it was a bit harder with the letters…

padrecta's Avatar
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this is ome of the challenges that make's me creazy.FINALY DID IT.YOU MUST LISTEN VERRY WELL AND COME ON SING PPL

ghost's Avatar
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… And your post helped what? The other hints in the thread were more useful; hence, no reason to bump this old thing.

padrecta's Avatar
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Sorry.It was like 3 a clock in the morning when i did this.So i was exciting and tired in the same time.So i found in a forum that the last letter waren't a "o" so this was the first hint.The second one was that i started to sing compleatly a cildren song.And then every thing mixt up.And a nother clue was they are 5 letters not 4.So hope this is a good start 4 somone.