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google adds problem

ghost's Avatar
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im trying to get google adds on my site but im having trouble.

how do i insert the adds code

<script type="text/javascript"><!– google_ad_client = "pub-1136863488497926"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 15; google_ad_format = "468x15_0ads_al"; google_ad_channel = ""; google_color_border = "888888"; google_color_bg = "888888"; google_color_link = "dddddd"; google_color_text = "DDDDDD"; google_color_url = "DDDDDD"; //–> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script>

into my site when it is in php. when i try and use php echo "

all of the " and ; in the add script cancels it out and stuff and i have no idea how i can insert the script.

ghost's Avatar
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either use print 'add code' or just put it in the html <html> <body> <add stuff> <?php php stuff ?> </body> </html>

ghost's Avatar
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add code here

" ) ;


ghost's Avatar
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More than likely the problem you are having is that you tried using

echo &quot;Code Here&quot;;```

However that would fail because when you attempt to put &quot;&quot; or Double quotes around an object that contains Double quotes, you end up with an error because the PHP interpenetrates the &quot;&quot; inside the HTML code as the end of the statement. To Fix this problem use &#39;&#39; or Single quotes around HTML code and other strings that contain &quot;&quot;


```markupecho &#39;&lt;font color=&quot;06699&quot;&gt;&#39;;```

hope this helps

mido's Avatar
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HTML can use single quotes, but yea recommended to use double, you can do w/e you want…


echo " <font color='red'>FONT</font> ";


echo ' <font color="red">FONT</font> '; whatever you do, but not to enter the same quote you've used to begin echo… or you can end php…

like this :

<?php //code… ?>

<html> <head><title></title></head> <body> <!–Code here –> </body> </html>

<? //start php again… //much code… ?>

spyware's Avatar
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The fucking question was already answered. So you can stop talking now, thank you. Bumping this thread is useless now.

oh but Spyware now you have bumped it yourself z0mg1!

Yeah, just to make you all stfu. The topicstarter already had his answer.

mido's Avatar
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spyware wrote: The fucking question was already answered. So you can stop talking now, thank you. Bumping this thread is useless now.

oh but Spyware now you have bumped it yourself z0mg1!

Yeah, just to make you all stfu. The topicstarter already had his answer. Shut the fuck up :).

ghost's Avatar
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@spyware> wat ben je toch een mf'ing loserrrrrrrr. iemand met een verstand,zou zichzelf kapot schamen ^^ which you obviously dont. dus als je gefrustreerd bent,ga tegen je mama lopen schreeuwen ofzo… capiche? :happy:

korg's Avatar
Admin from hell
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Ok guy's we need to play nice in the forums. @Spyware you make some valid points, I'm sick of people posting replies who have no clue what thier talking about myself BUT let's calm down just abit.

ghost's Avatar
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thanks alot everyone, problem fixed :ninja:

ghost's Avatar
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why not use cpm itsptp has a cpm rate of 1,5!!!!!!! heres the link: itsptp.com/signup.php?uid=1919

ghost's Avatar
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thanks ill check it out