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New website - Advertising Queston!

ghost's Avatar
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hey all,

I've been working on a new website. The website will have a bunch of computer how to's and tutorials, tweaks, tricks, hacks and so on…

Google adsense denied me of their ads due to the fact that I plan on having a hacks secton. Google was my plan for advertisements lol, so now I'm a bit lost.

Does anyone know of a different place I can get advertisements like that? It would be much appreciated!

My new website is http://www.wearenoobs.com

ghost's Avatar
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well you have to call it "Security" not "Hacking" lol

ghost's Avatar
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lol is that so? calling it security will allow me to have google advertisements? theres always a trick huh! haha. Thank you sir! I'll give it a shot.