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Making A Website

Cybernaught's Avatar
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I know HTML, XHTML, some JavaScript and so on, but what I'm looking for is how I make a website like this (Hell Bound Hackers) I'm not looking for the design or anything like that but they layout itself! I have been to various websites and none of them are capable of, or user friendly enough to make a website with this design… So any help would be great!

ghost's Avatar
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Google PHP-Fusion.

Although, if you have the knowledge you claim you do, then I'd have no need to reply because you could create a similar layout in no time at-all.

ghost's Avatar
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Cybernaught wrote: I know HTML, XHTML, some JavaScript

Hmm. You need to learn php

Cybernaught's Avatar
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I understand that I can make a duplicate, but I'd rather not, I know the languages but it takes me a long time to build websites with them. I guess I should say I know them, but I'm not a master of them… I'm just looking for an easier way to build one I suppose. I've looked into PHP-Fusion, but I'll check back at it.

Thanks for Replying,