My site (also I need help)
Well my site is so what do you guy's think? Also I am hoping for someone to help me with the logins and chalenges tutorials if you help me and I like you I might even give you my pass and let you upload directly and I was also hoping for a forum like HBH's and some admins for it :) but yeah I need help with it because I only know HTML and some JS so tell me what you think.
P.S. I know it has some problems but please don't flame this tread ;) if you wish for a more constent chat that this forum please IM me with yahoo at masta_hacks or email me at
Well, from a programmers point of view, with only three languages in the source code, id say pretty good; although the "here are the places i learned to hack" could be on the learn to hack page.
for challenges do simple js until you get really good at them ( i made a quick js one for my dad ) . then learn php, much more secure but much harder to learn but enjoyable because of all the $ signs everywhere.
overrall rating: 6.785
nattie wrote: Well, from a programmers point of view, with only three languages in the source code, id say pretty good; although the "here are the places i learned to hack" could be on the learn to hack page.
for challenges do simple js o until you get really good at them ( i made a quick js one for my dad ) . then learn php, much more secure but much harder to learn but enjoyable because of all the $ signs everywhere.
overrall rating: 6.785 lol :happy:
Anyways, if anyone is using a browser besides IE, is the layout messed up for you as well? The layout should be good cross-browser. One of the basic knowledge of web designers is to try the site in several browsers to make sure it stays the same, or at least doesn't look horrid, to people who might be using a different browser than yourself. To start, the popular browsers to check it in are ie, firefox, Opera, and Safari.
Simple design, which is something I really like, Maybe a nice font and another title? or am I talking noob now? If you want a forum I could advise you to learn a bit more about php+mysql, this could also be used to boost your site a lot. Apart from some things in the design it's quite nice, mostly because of it's simplicity. ehm.. mark.. 6.8 ? (1 -> 10)