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fighting pornography

jmort47's Avatar
0 1

I'm working on building a site to provide support for those trying to recover from pornography addictions. I would like input on the site, and even help developing the site. If you'd like to contribute, pm me.

What I'm not interested in: arguments about whether or not you consider porn addicting. your beliefs are your own. my beliefs are my own. if you want to help, great. if not, move on.

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

How much have you got planned for this site ?

Will you be making your own CMS or framework ?

If you would be making a framework would you use the MVC architecture ?

Will you use HTML & CSS ?

Will it be made in PHP 5.5 ?


jmort47's Avatar
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I don't really have a whole lot planned out. Right now I've just thrown up a P.O.S. in wordpress. Not much there.

I'm not planning on doing a whole lot at the beginning. I definitely wouldn't need MVC framework at first. For the first little while, I just want to get a simple informational site up where people can go on and read articles, post in forums, and sign up for a newsletter. Eventually, I'll get an "anonymous support" system up where people can connect anonymously with other people to talk about their issues. There's a lot of eventually's in the equation right now. Which is the biggest reason I asked for input and help.

At first a basic html and css site will do. I'm not much of an artistic type so design has never really been my thing.

maug2's Avatar
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Good luck with your site. I know porn addiction is a real problem now days. I was hookin for years, just to feed my porn site addiction. I'm recovered now, but the blisters still bring me back.

Ophois's Avatar
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I am willing to help you with coding&designing, but you should make a plan before you code/design anything. Like Mordak said, decide wether you are going to use a CMS/MVC framework or whatever. You can't add it later on. PM me if you want some help ;)

Mordak's Avatar
Evil Sorcerer
4,025 20

Looks like the UK government beat you to it.

rex_mundi's Avatar
☆ Lucifer ☆
3,190 12

lol @ the use of filters, that'll stop it.