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Apache web server

ghost's Avatar
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Well, I installed the newest version of PHP, to go with the Apache server, after the installation was complete. An error message popped up and told me that I needed to manually configure me web server, so instinct told me to go to Google, well I did and found no help (I only searched the first few pages).So if anyone could point me to a web site that has a guide to this or even Help Documentation, it would be very appreciated.

Edit Both PHP and Apache are the newest version (PHP 5, Apache 2.2)

spyware's Avatar
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You configured the .ini files right? Enabled PHP and all that?

I installed the latest Apache + PHP a few weeks ago too, and apparently there was a bug that caused PHP not to work. Your best bet is grabbing a step-by-step guide online, and following that. If you encounter the same bug that I encountered, there are a few fixes which you can find via google.

This guide: http://www.ricocheting.com/server/ looks pretty solid, worth a try?

ghost's Avatar
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Alright, Well I'll go check this guide out and if I run into any bugs, Ill just Google around….Thanks for the guide BTW, I'm completely new to web development!