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my web site. update?

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

ok i've got a website that needs hits but i dont have the ability to make my site known enough to start making some money. what should i add to it so i can get the hits i need for pay per click ads?

EDIT: sorry i forgot the website http;//www.thelastarcade.com

p.s. i know i need more games

spyware's Avatar
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Make a website because of the content. If people like it, you'll get your amerikkan dollarse (thanks LLOH ;x).

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

spyware wrote: Make a website because of the content. If people like it, you'll get your amerikkan dollarse (thanks LLOH ;x).


  1. that made no sense
  2. its there to make money
  3. this is a project for my web-design class for a job

spyware's Avatar
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Okay, if you're all serious about this, follow this [map of the gods]:

  1. Learn HTML, xHTML and CSS
  2. Learn PHP
  3. Learn RSS and Javascript
  4. Learn how to Photoshop or get someone who can make "teh aweezom graphx"
  5. create a website
  6. get comments
  7. improve website
  8. GOTO 6

Futility's Avatar
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Wow, 3/7- congrats

[EDIT] In light of spywares post, 2/7

spyware's Avatar
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Your banner is from a free banner-generator.

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

im making one on ps5 but havent had time

EDIT: actually 2/5 steps 6&7 are continuous

yours31f's Avatar
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so does anyone want to try something constructive instead of flaming?

reaper4334's Avatar
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yours31f wrote: so does anyone want to try something constructive instead of flaming?

Why can nobody ever tell that the flaming is constructive. If you actually read what spyware said, you'll notice that he pointed out several things you should do - is that not helpful enough? Stop fighting back at the flaming with empty buckets. There's no point lying about how you put that site together, I'm sure a brief look in the source will show it's proably pre-generated. Either do what you've been advised, which will possibly help you get a good site. Or just stop trying to make it seem like you're being unnecessarily flamed. Get some water in your bucket before trying to stop the flames.

yours31f's Avatar
10 0

not sure why you said its pregenerated

ghost's Avatar
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dude, ur not getting a job with those skills. sorry, your site looks like u signed up for lycos free pre template package, edited the html yourself and some how messed it up, making your website out of order and shape. the banner isn't straight at all. the colors aren't to appealing, the shout box is white, the whole site is bright blue, the rollover buttons aren't working and you have incomplete links. im sorry if its in the process of being made. but i suggest you learn more and start from scratch..

and if people like myself, (just someone how knows a thing or 2 about web design and love t3h internet in general) would look at that and disrespect it on the spot. you need to make your own stuff. no generators and no freewebsitetemplates.com K!?

hope this helps. ;)