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URLencoding content

Mouzi's Avatar
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I wrote a long message about what I'm using this for, what I've already tried and what I've thought of but that damned referer thing prevented me from posting it and I lost the whole text so here's the question just shortly:

Is there a way to dynamically urlencode the whole content of a page? With PHP or Apache or something.

mido's Avatar
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Try Javascript…?

spyware's Avatar
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Try PHP.

$fh = fopen($ourFileName, 'X') or die("Couldn't open file");
$encfile = urlencode($fh);

Haven't tested this but it should work. 

Mouzi's Avatar
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Javascript does not work for this one… Maybe I should explain more (as I did before my message got lost).

I have a navigation system that uses AJAX to retrieve pages. I have to urlencode the content that goes through XMLHttpRequest because it uses UTF-8 character encoding which messes everything up. I have tried to make it so that the requested page loads itself with file_get_contents(), urlencodes and echoes the result and then die(), but this breaks the POST and GET variables, so it's not very good solution (well I could pass the POST and GET variables to the page, but that would require making a request with fsockopen() and heaps of other code; I'm looking for a simpler solution if there is one). I've also thought about making custom echo function for PHP which would urlencode everything if needed, but then I would have to put all non PHP contet through echo also. Not that good one either.

Mouzi's Avatar
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I realised that the fsockopen is not an option either. It would bypass all IP specific things as the requesting IP will be the IP of the server :S

Would it be possible to create some kind of filter for apache maybe that would urlencode content if there is a certain request header?

Or is there any way to do this with PHP?

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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if your apache is set to read remote files, try this.

$data = file_get_contents("http://www.yourwebsite.com/yourfile.php");
echo urlencode($data);

although i think possibly your looking for htmlentities?

Mouzi's Avatar
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Mouzi wrote: I have tried to make it so that the requested page loads itself with file_get_contents(), urlencodes and echoes the result and then die(), but this breaks the POST and GET variables

I already have. I also tried fsockopen which can send the POST and GET to the requested page, but it has problems too. And no I'm not looking for html entities… just a way to urlencode the whole page.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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file_get_contents can send GET, obvioulsy.

but if you want to send POST, then use cURL and then just echo the result in urlencode. that will work.

Mouzi's Avatar
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I know it can :P Also I can't use cURL, only fsockopen (my server doesn't have cURL lib). And I have tried that one too.

Mouzi wrote: I realised that the fsockopen is not an option either. It would bypass all IP specific things as the requesting IP will be the IP of the server :S