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Web Hosts

Flaming_figures's Avatar
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:OFFTOPIC: Alright, hey guys. I know i've been alot less active in HBH lately, I've just been busy and have taken a small break from hacking. I'm not quite back, but the fires still inside ;) </:offtopic:>

So back to my question.

I am currently setting up some websites and I was wondering what the best, cheapest services are. I have looked at a few, and so far host papa http://hostpapa.ca/index.shtml seems best, but I was wondering if I could get your testomonials. It's cheap, it looks pretty "featurific" but I don't know, any other ones (canada) as cheap or almost as cheap with better up-time? I love going to HBH and having those funky little mini challenges while the server is down, but I'm sure the guys I am doing the websites for aren't going to be paying me for that. I'm looking at up-time. I don't know, this looks pretty good AND it gives you a free domain with no follow up charges!

I was just wondering if anyone had experience with it.

[OFFTOPIC] So, I would say hello again HBH, but I fear I wont be here for long. But I'll be back. I don't believe I am well enough known - I still need to make my mark ;) [/offtopic]