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The Team

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Post all your programming languages and anything else you could contribute to the team

mozzer Programming Languages: VB, C, C#, C++, PHP/SQL, (Javascript, CSS, HTML) Other things: I want the game to succeed and have the time and motivation to make it succeed

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Programming Languages: C, C++ ( Js, HTML ) Other things: nothing serious

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i'll be happy to contribute PHP and Cold Fusion.

im gonna make one of the sites have some Cold Fusion in it (.cfm) because its a great lanauge and fairly recent not many people know or use it. so be good to add something that encourages others to learn a bit about it.

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mr_noob languages: scripting: PHP,JS, HTML, learning ASP, SQL-PHP styles:CSS programming:C++, C, slight JAVA, batch Other: got a lot of time on my hands so happy to devote some decent time to it.

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chislam Programming Languages: HTML(mastered of course lol), PHP(Practically mastered), Javascript(Practically mastered), Java(decent, getting better though because I am learning it at school), C++/C(little rusty), Batch(minor), CSS(ok), SQL(enough for simple PHP queries) Other things: I know quite a bit of different languages. I have a good bit of time on my hands. I solve problems really fast as well as find exploits.

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well I'll do some of the C++ stuff, maybe some php + mysql stuff if ya need :)

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im web based, learning more everyday (sounds as if ill never stop hearing that phease)