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We need some kind of meeting straight voice to voice over skype or ventrilo/teamspeak something like that too shoot ideas at each other and get stuff done, i hate when you post and then i takes ages over forums to get stuff done, so if anyone wants to tell me, and ill try and get a time over this wekkend that accomidates most people that i can.

ghost's Avatar
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i can do vent / skype / msn. whatever we need to get this done, i will do :D i can't wait to start coding this. i think once this is released, hbh will draw a lot more actually good hackers that know what they are doing to see if they can actually beat it. of course the people that are just learning to hack and what not wont get very far, they might get at least to a certain point and then might go off and do a side job on the game or wait till they learn some more and come back to the game. i suggest we use skype tho simply because we would have to set up a vent server unless someone else already has one that we can use.

SySTeM's Avatar
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How about TeamSpeak, don't HBH have it's own TS server?

ghost's Avatar
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Erm IRC would be easiest n fastest method of communication. Msn would work too I guess.

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Erm IRC would be easiest n fastest method of communication. Msn would work too I guess.

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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we'll use IRC because over a voip would get frustrating with people interupting and everyone trying to get their say etc, IRC is easier to read several peoples ideas at once.

ghost's Avatar
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ok so can we go ahead and set a date for this? i am sure we are goin to have more than just one meeting but we need to have at least one before we start really getting involved, just to make sure everyone is on the same page.

ghost's Avatar
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well, how about an unofficial teamspeak session or two and an official IRC session following, the IRC would have to include as many people from the dev team as possible but the teamspeak is less chilled and less strict??

ghost's Avatar
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sounds good to me, wait to see what cheese and the others say

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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sometime early november would be a good time for me.

i'll organise and join in with a IRC meeting. if the rest of you developers want to talk and have idea sesions over teamspeak then go for it!

ghost's Avatar
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Well, either Monday 30th or wednesday/thursady but it would be better monday so that we can have more sessions over break. and cheese are you going to make a teamspeak server from hbh, or shall i just host one from a home pc or skype conference call??

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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i wont be setting up the teamspeak, so you'll have to sort that yourself. sorry.

i will get us dedicated irc channel time though so only game dev's can talk.

ghost's Avatar
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ok ill host a server and if i doesnt work we can steal someone elses. would you beable to send pm out to all people involved we descide on a time?

ghost's Avatar
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I'd prefer teamspeak over skype, because I don't have skype. I'll start downloading Teamspeak now :)

It would have to be at a time everyone's ok with, because if it's a week day I can only do the afternoon because of school, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for some other people. Also, what time zone is everyone in? Because it would have to be a reasonable time for each timezone, and, say if the majority is in GMT, as I know a couple of us are, then it would probably have to be done in GMT time (im guessing it'd be maybe in the afternoon?)

Anyway, doing it realtime is a good idea, instead of having to wait and check the forums :)

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I would prefer something which doesn't require speakers or mikes, I have neither

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Lol plus my parents would get suspicious if they heard me talking to myself :/

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to answer a bunch of questions

i think there should be more than one, and try to accomidate as many peoples as possible, but its not likely we can do it for all

my parents think im weird when i listen to ign podcasts cause they think there a bunch of men in my computer room/toliet (you have to look at it http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h286/tancurrom/1337/workstation.jpg)and i can only start to imagine what they thinks going on

ok mozzer. dude you must have earphones or something, and then get your parents to buy a eyetoy, make them think its there idea, then you get webcam + mic :)

AbSoRb, you say you dony want skype cause you dont want to download it so teamspeak which your off to download, what?

skype is good because you are more likely to be logged on and others can talk about stuff when your on not just the meeting times

ghost's Avatar
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  1. i dont have skype and 2. im in GMT too :D

ghost's Avatar
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just dl skype from skype.com its free!!

ghost's Avatar
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Oooh! I thought you had to pay for skype, lol.

I'll download it asap :)

[edit] Yay! I got Skype :D absorb was already taken :( lol, so my name's:


Add me up! :) And are we any closer to getting a date for the meeting?

ghost's Avatar
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I'm going to go crazy and say, Nov Saturday 11th 11:00 p.m (GMT) I think that should suite most people?? (Ill have some open skyecasts aswell before hand)

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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sure i can make that.

everyone else ok with it?

ghost's Avatar
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There's no way I will be allowed to stay up 'til 11 PM to listen to people talking. How about a two day set of posting in the forum which will act as a meeting. Then poeple from all timezones will have a chance to post, get a response and repost

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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good idea.

ok we'll do them both at the same time. 11th - 12th = forums + 11th @ 11pm GMT = skype

ghost's Avatar
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How could you take minutes of the Skype convo. Perhaps record it and host it somewhere?

ghost's Avatar
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theres lods of plugins that let you record it easily

ghost's Avatar
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I know, but I wont be there so I'll have to rely on someone there recording it.

ghost's Avatar
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No problem, we'll make sure someone records it

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Cool, I'll make sure I get up early to listen to it and pass comments

ghost's Avatar
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it would probably good to have another the next day at an eariler time?

ghost's Avatar
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Another what?

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meeting, i for one get all my best ideas in bed, its random but true (this isnt even a joke), so some time to think its over night would be good then have another meeting the next day?

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Post in the forum one the next day

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that would 6pm where i live. that works for me. i will be on the skype then :D

ghost's Avatar
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Can't wait to see the logs. Has someone thought of a plan as to how the convo will run?

ghost's Avatar
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Dnt have mic n prob wont be able to participate :(

Record for me too pls? :D

ghost's Avatar
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Good thing you'll be able to post in the forum and listen to the recording

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ill have the logs and recorded probably, but you can tune into it and conference chat in the convo aswell (to be fair it might end up turning into a writing convo if voice doesnt work out SO TRY AND BE THERE!)

ghost's Avatar
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Aww crap! You had to pick the day I'm sleepin over at a friends house!! :angry:

I'll be chuffed if theres gonna be another one later Sunday :D Sunday morning wouldn't be too good 'cos im walking around for Remembrance Sunday….

So pleeease record it! And if possible could there be another Skype set up on sunday?

Thanks! :P

ghost's Avatar
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yeah i found out i gotta work saturday during the time of the meeting, so i will just participate in the forum / listen to logs / get in a nother skype meeting if there is one.