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Internet in Xubuntu Linux

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Hi, I have a bit of an issue. I'm running Xubuntu 6.06.1 on my ancient mutant pc (Pentium II, 192MB, 6GB and 1.5GB HDDs) and I want to connect to the internet. I have an old DSL modem provided to me from my ISP, BellSouth, and I know it works. I connect it to my PC through eth0, which is an active connection.

How can I get details about my internet connection (not specific to one computer) without directly contacting my ISP over the phone? I also need to configure the modem for my computer, but I need my internet connection info to do that. I can find info for my this Windows box via launchmodem.launchmodem.com, but is there anything I could use for my internet details for my subscription, and not just whatever box I use to view the details?

If it matters, I ran a search on their help site (help.bellsouth.net) for "Linux" and came up with 0 entries :(. All their articles are about Windows and OS X, so I don't think they know much about Linux anyway.

I think all I have to do is get info about my connection from the ISP. I already know the DNSs and that stuff, I just need to configure my modem, for which I can find no Linux info but which is Ethernet, which I know Linux likes…

Also… What do I need to do to configure my modem to connect to the Internet? I really don't know what I'm doing here, as I am rather new to Linux and networking in general.

The main thing I want to do is set up an SSH server and Apache webserver on a static IP. I know Bellsouth sets up static IP addresses from machines that request them online, meaning I would have to first have a dynamic IP on that box. This leads back to the first problem… Getting Internet set up.

Another thing I've considered is setting up a network between the two computers, but I think that would be a lot more trouble than getting a connection from the phone jack 2 feet from the Linux box in my room :p

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I chatted with a tech support guy from my ISP… almost seemed like a bot, lol, but it wasn't. TOTALLY UNHELPFUL.

"Linux is not supported"

…ok, the internet protocols are the same no matter what OS…Wow, Bellsouth is NOOBY, they want everyone to use their Windows setup software…

I'll call tech support, though I reckon that will be unhelpful again…

I think all I need to know is:


ghost's Avatar
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You should get more answers at ubuntuforums.org

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I guess I'll try that, then… Kinda didn't get much chance to use comp for a while since my last post but now I'm back. I hate my isp more than ever now, though, lol. He actually thought Linux and Xubuntu6 were different operating systems rofl.

Thanks, I'll follow up with anything it I get info.

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Here's my ifconfig info it it's important. Don't call me a nub, I like my username :p

uberhacker@uberhacker-hackpad:~$ ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:02:44:00:FB:8F inet6 addr: fe80::202:44ff:fe00:fb8f/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:2108 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:719352 (702.4 KiB) Interrupt:9 Base address:0x6800

richohealey's Avatar
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you'll need teh default gateway (ip of your router), and the ip's of your two primary nameservers. this can be retrieved from your router by connecting to it on port 80 (browse to it in firefox)….

I presume that you're on windows now, in the same network?

do ipconfig in windows, grab the default gateway (if you're not static now, go fix that)

then browse to the gateway, find the status tab.

Copy ips of DNS servers.

Now you're good to ifconfig your NIC.

ghost's Avatar
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I am an avid ubuntu user, so if its anything similer heres what i do, now sure how similer they are tho. in the upper right corner, next to the time, there should be a picure of two computers. click on that and you will get your network connections, then go to configure and you'll get a list of possible connections (modem, ethernet, wireless). From there, activate and configure the connection you want. If you need more help, I'd be glad to. If the version you have is completely different than mine, ignore this post as it is quite useless.

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I'm using xubuntu on a separate network, and bigggnick, the network thing you're refering to is network-admin. These are TWO SEPARATE NETWORKS. My windows comp has its own modem, and the Linux comp has a different one. I already have my nameserver IPs from the windows box's modem, but I have trouble with the Linux one. It's a winmodem, I can't read the modem in Linux, and I can't install pppoe because of lack of internet access haha. Let's assume I just hooked up the modem and booted the system, turned on modem. Its power light and line sync lights are on. There are several tabs for config info in network-admin. I have already listed my DNS servers there, but there's a Hosts tab and a General tab. General asks for host name and password (is that my box, or my isp account?) and Hosts has lists of several addresses. What do I need to do with these?

It looks like someone finally knows what to do! w00t! Maybe I can eventually set up a webserver if this works :D

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Anyone still here? I'll have to go soon I think (almost midnight here) and I really really need help here. If you have no idea what to do, please just tell me so I stop refreshing this tab every 10 seconds :p

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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it's a winmodem???

WTF…. you are using a NIC yes, what chipset is it?

are you having trouble configging the nic, or the connection?

and why using two networks? do you ahve two data lines?????

get a switch. it'll be the best solution

ghost's Avatar
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I am using two networks because the windows box's modem is USB and I heard that Linux doesn't like usb modems as much as ethernet, and I had a working ethernet dsl modem lying around. I think I need to know what info I need to put in the fields in the abovementioned tabs under network-admin. I honestly have very little idea of what I'm actually doing :(

Yer, Im a networking noob for sure.

I have a rather minimalist installation of Xubuntu, and I can't seem to install anything with Synaptic. I belive I am trying to configure the modem, but I don't know if is even being read. I want to at least get a dialup connection with pppoe. Is Eth0 or pppoe my modem I wonder? I would think Eth0…

Pleae help me i'm desperate, I know I'm not providing good info but I honestly do not know what I'm doing. What do you need to know to tell me what I need to know? AAAAH! Oh, and I have to go in a few minutes mebbe… :(

…And what do you mean by "get a switch…?"

richohealey's Avatar
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msn me.

address on my profile.

ghost's Avatar
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thanks sooo much for teh chat ricohealey, I'll let you know when I get everything set up.

192.168.0.x for ip's right? or 192.168.1.x? I'll hit you up when I get the switch :p


richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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well either way, doesn't really matter.

You'll probably find it a marginally less painful expereince if you stick with 192.168.1.x