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IV capture with Wireshark

ghost's Avatar
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Does anybody know how to go about capturing wep iv packets using wireshark? If it is possible would aircrack work on the file?

fuser's Avatar
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Like moshbat said earlier, you need to be connected to the network in order to be able to sniff packets in the networks, and since you mentioned sending them to aircrack, that means you want to crack the wep password first before connecting to the network right?

Once you're already in the network, however, you could decrypt WEP-encrypted data.

So I would say that firstly, you have to crack it with Aircrack, get the key, and then you would be able to sniff the packets coming around the network.

Here's some guides:



ghost's Avatar
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I would love to use airodump but the problem is that it doesn't seem to work with my wireless adapter. Backtrack also doesn't recognize my wireless card at all.

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Tried using your windows drivers through ndiswrapper?

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I looked at the devices supported that are supported/unsupported/untested and my card isn't there. I guess it can't hurt to try it in backtrack. Have you done it before? Does it work with backtrack?

ghost's Avatar
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I've already checked, my card isn't there.