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packet manipulation... plz help

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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what I am trying to do:

manipulate packets "on the fly" from my laptop eg. if someone visits google (or any other site) it will automaticly replace the images to something of my choice

so far:

on my laptop I can use Wireshark, cain & abel and various other winpcap using sniffers (the arp spoofing even works with wireless in cain) however I can't get ettercap to work. trying to use ettercapNG-0.7.3 on a vista laptop (sony vaio tz) I have tryed using various winpcap versions and none of them seem to help.

on my PC (windows xp) I manage to get everything working including ettercapNG-0.7.3 with the ability to modify packets.

if anyone has any ideas or tips or tutorials (have read hundreds) I would greatly appreciate it and you you would like any other information that I might have missed just let me know what you would like that might help

thanks in advance

and yes I do know the irongeek article, thats not the problem, the problem is getting ettercap to work

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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cheers spyware, gonna see if I can get that to work on windows (I know would be easier in linux, but wanna get windows working)

exactly what I was looking for I think ^^

spyware's Avatar
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nanoymaster wrote: cheers spyware, gonna see if I can get that to work on windows (I know would be easier in linux, but wanna get windows working)

exactly what I was looking for I think ^^

Don't go through that trouble. Make a partition. Install linux. You'll thank me later.

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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can already do what I want in backtrack3 or a distro partition, I'm trying to get it to work in windows so I can just boot my laptop (in a coffe shop for example) connect to wifi and arp poison everyone (can already do this bit) then manipulate their pages (just for a giggle :p) whilst still doing usual stuff

spyware's Avatar
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You can boot laptops with linux. By the way, don't use a live-cd for this trick.

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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yea I know you can boot linux on laptops, I had a ubuntu partition on it, but all the programs I know are on windows, files, everythings just … easier… with the exception of this lol, btw have you got msn? if so wanna pm me your addy?

spyware's Avatar
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nanoymaster wrote: yea I know you can boot linux on laptops, I had a ubuntu partition on it, but all the programs I know are on windows, files, everythings just … easier… with the exception of this lol,

  1. Install something more "mature" than Ubuntu.
  2. Get Wine.
  3. Learn to use Linux

btw have you got msn? if so wanna pm me your addy? I… can't. Sorry. Just post here.

nanoymaster's Avatar
the master of nanoy(.org)
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see thats what I disslike about this community. it's so damn linux biased. yes I have used multiple linux distros, I know linux, have used wine and realise I could do most of what I want to do on linux. I can do this on linux… the point is I want to use windows. can't get the webcam to work in linux, most of the drivers are fucked, the fingerprint reader doesn't work.. I could go on.

too bad about msn, would be a lot easier.. oh well

spyware's Avatar
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nanoymaster wrote: see thats what I disslike about this community. it's so damn linux biased. yes I have used multiple linux distros, I know linux, have used wine and realise I could do most of what I want to do on linux. I can do this on linux… the point is I want to use windows. can't get the webcam to work in linux, most of the drivers are fucked, the fingerprint reader doesn't work.. I could go on.

too bad about msn, would be a lot easier.. oh well

80% of this community doesn't know how to use Linux. They'll need to learn.

20% of your laptop doesn't know how to use Linux. It'll need to get drivers.

100% of fingerprint logons are FUCKING, INSECURE, CRAP, RUBBISH. The world needs to learn.

ghost's Avatar
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nemesis.sourceforge.net + MITM

That should at least get you started.