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Ya, I know I know…. Anyways, I've been around learning a lot of things about networking, cabling, and server operations in school and all and I just realized I have no clue on how to get a WEP/WPA key. All I need is a link for reading, I don't mind that at all, I'm rather used to it, becoming a habit of sorts.

Reasons of which being testing, I'm a tech intern in my school next year and I want to learn all I can before that so I have a solid footing before I go to college for a Comp Information Sciences course.

Just been busy lately, school is letting out in less than 2 weeks so I should be a heck of a lot more active after that's done.

Thanks for any help you can offer, and again I don't mind reading and I don't expect some spoonfeeding, just a push in the right direction.

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Personally, the best tool you can get is backtrack. It has (almost) everything you will ever need right out of the box. The particular tool that you want to look at is called aircrack-ng. Its super easy to use, and can crack wep keys in about 5 min (depending on the router).

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Funny enough I was downloading it before I posted that from some short reading, I was just looking for any articles or anything that could help me understand the concepts

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from what i have been reading from the CEH course you pretty much have to use tools. i might be wrong on this but the course recconmends a couple of tools

1 Airopeek 2. airsnort 3 kismet 4 wepcrack

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WEP is really easy to crack (use WEPCrack or any other application mentioned above) but WPA is more secure… But then again, nothing is totaly secure ;)