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Deep Freeze

ghost's Avatar
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Ok. Im tired of reading everywhere that deepfreeze cannot be exploited or crashed..etc. Well at my server that runs it there is 1 drive that deepfreeze doesnt effect. The H: Drive. And each user has their own stuff in their H: Drive. So if the H: drive is untouched couldn't I exploit this into expanding thawed areas. Or something..

ghost's Avatar
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Deepfreeze is extremely easy to crack…

It took me a total of 15 minutes to crack it way back in the day. In my case, the md5 for the administrative account was the same as the password for deepfreeze. Just crack the admin password and you should be good as gold.

ghost's Avatar
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Thats a good tip. Will the admin pass be the SAM of all computers? Or will I need to.. Idk.

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In a large scale network, all of the admin passwords will be the same. Its impossible to keep track of hundreds of different admin passwords for different machines. Plus, school admins are seriously borderline retarded.

ghost's Avatar
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I agree with the borderline retarded thing. So I need to crack Sammy sam sam. Will do.

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Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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zeus_the_moose wrote: Plus, school admins are seriously borderline retarded.

So funny and so true at the same time

GL cracking ;)

ghost's Avatar
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I just want to manually extract to my flash drive. Is there really no way of that? Well I have used programs in the past but I can't remember which ones. Oxid.it rings a bell I think. Anyone got a favorite? Lophtcrack live maybe… I would rather not live boot though.

ghost's Avatar
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You will need to live boot. You don't have access to the sam or key file. Go get yourself backtrack and live boot the box (this may require tricks depending on what the bios is set to).

Futility's Avatar
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ophcrack works wonderfully. A teacher gave me permission to see if it could get the admin pass to our school. Took a grand total of 30 seconds and I had it. And it wasn't a dumb password, like 'ILoveSchool', it was more along the lines of '1Jn320sNS#$jaid'. I never went anywhere with it, considering the teacher knew that I could.

Plus, I don't really see the purpose to hacking a school computer. Sure, the 'security' on it is annoying, but it's meant to keep you focused on class. I guess in that aspect, it works wonderfully. Just remember to unplug yourself from the network before you do anything to be on the safe side.

ghost's Avatar
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It would take you much longer than 30 seconds to get a password of that length with that amount of garbled stuff (i.e. on the order of hundreds of millions of years). Unless you were sniffing it.

ghost's Avatar
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Yeah 30's..? meaning like 2 minutes. I used in the past I just dont know where i placed it. Hmm im gonna look for it other than obstruction of more plastic.