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connecting to several routers...

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First of all I like to thank you for this site…

I hope you can help me with my question. Let me first explain what the problem is: I'm still at the high school In Belgium, there we only have the ability to connect to the internet through wireless routers placed all over the school.

But like you might know if around 60 persons are connected on 1 router then you'll get download speed like a 56k modem :p

(we also use vpn to connect)

So my question is actually is there any way to speed up my computer (download speed), by for example connect to several routers? (In most of the classrooms I can connect to around 4 wireless routers.

Thanks in advance, Peter

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I'm not sure if load balancing would be possible here any, but possibly some software that connects to the fastest router in the area and can switch seamlessly to the next faster if it lowers in speed. Thats all iffy, and you might want to do some research on this. Given that if you connect to more than one router, you will have more than one IP, and you will need a program to sort what programs run through what… or possibly a program to make all the IP's merge into a program that merges in one (fantasy much?)