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I have a hacker someone please help!

ghost's Avatar
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I have a hacker! Someone needs to help me! What should I do? Any firewalls you would reccomend? Someone knows my computer password and everythign I think. They are probably using telnet to gain access to my computer. What should I do?

ghost's Avatar
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You mean Cracker. FUCK! A hacker is different than a cracker.

Also, you use the term as if it was fucking MALWARE. Bwhahahahaha!!!

Change your password. Turn off unecessary running services/servers. Tweak your Security settings in Control Panel, and other applications running on your computer. Get zoneAlarm or BlackICe.

I still doubt you'd be able to defend yourself properly, when you don't know the difference between a hacker and a cracker.

PM me, and I can help secure your PC for you.

richohealey's Avatar
Python Ninja
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LMFAO @ the "i think they're accessing my computer using telnet!"

H0mg H4x!

Anyway, netfish is the guy to ask.

SySTeM's Avatar
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richohealey wrote: LMFAO @ the "i think they're accessing my computer using telnet!"

Yea that bit was my favourite bit too XD

spyware's Avatar
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Pull the internet plug, go to an external pc (not on same network), download some scanners/firewall, go back to the pc, install, scan EVERYTHING, configure firewall, connect to the internet again.

And then go to google.com and use define:term to look up some slang 'cause your first post is making as much sense as a rubber ducky in an eternal candlelit bedroom supper on first floor.

ghost's Avatar
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spyware wrote: Pull the internet plug

IMO, the only step he should take.