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Registry domains

ghost's Avatar
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I just ran my antivirus and it showed me a couple of registry keys that it deleted. I had some porn website which I never went to…Then, I went through the registry to Hkey current user–software–microsoft–windows-current version–zonemap–domains.

And I saw 100's of porn sites which I never went to!:angry: lol Well Are they a list of sites that are blocked or something bad. Should I delete them all??

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know what's wrong, but if you think they're sites that are blocked, try going to one of them and if its blocked you answered your question, if its not than you can rule out one answer. end3r

ghost's Avatar
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Not blocked and I asked some 1 with the same cpu and they only had aol in theirs. Most of the sites are in my IE blocked list. Im gonna delete them. and i forgot its Internet settings before domain.

ghost's Avatar
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there are a whole bunch of them…I can only delete them 1 by 1?!? lol That will take the whole day!

Is there anyway I can delete them all at once?