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Boot screen i Linux

BluePain's Avatar
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Hello, I am having a problem. On my computer do I have linux and Windows XP. And for a moment ago, di I have to formate my windows. But the problem now is that when I start up the computer do I not gte the screen where I can choose linux our XP. I tried to rund the cd with recusemode (ubuntu) but I think there are somthing wrong on my APIC/AIPC (I dont rember how it are spelled) how can I turn that of? Becuse after a while to it only stop and will not continue. :S

ghost's Avatar
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When you format with windows it over writes the boot manager. All you need to do is to re-install your boot manager. If your using Ubuntu then its probably grub. Put in the your ubuntu CD and pick the option to install grub

BluePain's Avatar
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Yes, I use a ubuntu cd. But you say that I schould innstall GRUB. Can I install that frome the cd in windows our do I have to boot up with UBUNTU. If so. What is the command. Because I do only have few options: Install Linux, Recuse MOde, System Security and some other I dont rember sorry. :( ;)

AldarHawk's Avatar
The Manager
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You need to go into RESCUE MODE to recove GRUB/LILO They are your Boot Loaders for Linux. They got over written by windows when you re-installed. so you can either repair it with your Ubuntu disc or reinstall Ubuntu.

Hope that helped.

BluePain's Avatar
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It did help someway… Because I did know that I could do it in the recuse mode. But my problem is that when I open recuse mode. Do it stop after a while. And do not continue… Do sombody know what the problem is?

ghost's Avatar
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try using a low setting text mode installation instead of GUI installation. That might do the trick, since your video card is not detected yet. Hope that works.

BluePain's Avatar
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Can you give me the text commando for that? ;)