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nmap difficulties 0.o

ghost's Avatar
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Hey, I jst installed the nmap port scanner. It all went well. I type nmap.exe in cmd, and the option list comes up.

However, when I tried to scan an IP, I got the following error:

C:\Program Files\Nmap>nmap -A -v -T4

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap ) at 2006-08-15 17:34 W. Europe Daylight Time
dnet: Failed to open device eth0

I've tried it without parameters, nothing works :S

If any1 knows whats wrong here, Id be more than greatfull for a bit of help ^^

Im using Windows XP btw.


ghost's Avatar
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i'm pretty sure you dont need the .exe try just markupnmap ip.address portnumber you may wanna add some options just look at the help for options markupnmap -help

EDIT ERK. sorry I completly misread your post and mistaked you for a nmap noob i would just try re-installing or it could be because you didn't specify a port and the default is blocked by a fire wall or something like that

Mr_Cheese's Avatar
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there has been some issues with nmap and SP2 on windows.

some of the new features on SP2 arent compatible with NMAP, so perhaps try Angry IP scanner. its not as good as nmap but it does the job.

ghost's Avatar
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@Scobe, im trying to scan for open ports, entering a single port wouldnt help me. Plus Id get the same error.

God I hate windows, cant install linux tho, pc wont boot off cd, and wont let me in BIOS XD

Guess Ill jst have to use another port scanner for now then… :(

ghost's Avatar
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I don't know what the problem is but I do know that nmap works on SP2 since I have nmap and I have SZP2

ghost's Avatar
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well, nmap is connectiing for me, but for some reason i get the exact same output each time i run it….it shows all of these ports open, the exact same ones each time no matter the ip address…im running tor and going through a linksys router…..nething yall can think of that might be wrong?

ghost's Avatar
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i use the latest nmap version…4.something alpha together with winPcap3.1 and it works just fine. there's a new alpha winPcap,but i haven' t used that.i believe,the errror has to do with you not having the packet capturing device(winPcap) installed, which nmap uses to analize anything.i 've seen that same error om my screen too.install winpcap3.1 first,then you nstall nmap, then you run nmap from command prompt. it should work.