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Tor / Vidalia wont connect

baydarse's Avatar
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Okay I've searched all over the net and TOR help files and even here and I hven't found any help for this.

in the interest of protecting my own privacy I downloaded Vidalia stable release 0.2.10 for mac osx over wifi.

Obviously I'm running OSX and Firefox. I attempt to run Vidalia and it always gets to the same spot before failing. I check the error logs and i get:

[connecting to a relay directory] {log} Feb 07 [Notice] Tor v0.2.1.29 (************). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Darwin i386) Feb 07 [Notice] Initialized libevent version 1.4.13-stable using method kqueue. Good. Feb 07 [Notice] Opening Socks listener on ********:9050 Feb 07 23:11:40.273 [Notice] Opening Control listener on ********:9051 Feb 07 23:11:40.274 [Notice] Parsing GEOIP file.

and then it just spits out about a dozen : Feb 07 [Notice] No current certificate known for authority g****oo; launching request.

but never gets anywhere.

I've tried modifying all the config options but with no success.

Anyone aware of what the problem may be?


baydarse's Avatar
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Well it was still worth asking even to find out it sucks. :(

stealth-'s Avatar
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MoshBat wrote: Anonymity is virtually impossible to achieve. A decent proxy will offer about the same level of "protection" that Tor claims to provide.

How is a single proxy just as secure as a chain of them with onion layer encryption? If the proxy is compromised, or someone with the ability to get warrants is watching your connection, you're pretty much screwed. While with TOR they should theoretically only be able to view the first node and that's it, and only the last TOR node could monitor your connection. In that case, it still wouldn't know where the connection came from to begin with and is hence pretty useless.

TOR is more secure, but I believe what Moshbat is saying is that it isn't worth it for the speed loss that results. Personally, I believe it's a matter of personal preference.

Have you tried uncommenting the Dirserver lines in torrc, Baydarse? Showing us your config might help, if you are still interesting in using TOR.

baydarse's Avatar
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Sorry I haven't been on lately. here is the content of my config file (with a few things ***** out)

This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved

The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1 or similar, and Tor will ignore it

If set, Tor will accept connections from the same machine (localhost only)

on this port, and allow those connections to control the Tor process using

the Tor Control Protocol (described in control-spec.txt).

ControlPort *****

Store working data, state, keys, and caches here.

DataDirectory /Users//.tor/ HashedControlPassword :**************************************

Where to send logging messages. Format is minSeverity[-maxSeverity]

(stderr|stdout|syslog|file FILENAME).

Log notice stdout

Addresses we can connect to, as IP/bits:port-port. By default, we assume all

addresses are reachable.

ReachableAddresses :80,:443 ReachableAddresses reject :

baydarse's Avatar
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There is also the vidalia.conf file but I didn't see the line you mentioned in either file :/