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which graphics driver do i install?

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I am currently running Fedora Core 9 and want to play the game Counter-Strike: Source. I have wine, and have installed the program correctly and now all I need is a graphics driver for my nvidia card. The only problem is, I got the card so damn long ago I don't remember which one I have and honestly don't want to tear apart my computer to find it. Is there a way that I can find out through Linux which gfx card I'm using? I would find out on windows but I just recently formatted windows. Bad timing I guess :( haha.

spyware's Avatar
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which graphics driver do i install?

The compatible one.

ghost's Avatar
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There lies the problem. I'm not sure about which driver will be compatible with my graphics card. I just need to be able to see what kind of graphics card I'm using or at least what version cause I'm positive I have an nvidia.

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xzebrax wrote: There lies the problem. I'm not sure about which driver will be compatible with my graphics card. I just need to be able to see what kind of graphics card I'm using or at least what version cause I'm positive I have an nvidia.

Now try to construct a search query.

I know, 'query', giggle, etc. Now search.

ghost's Avatar
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Haha well thanks for your help I'll keep posted on this forum if any other problems arise or I'll PM you ok?

ghost's Avatar
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xzebrax wrote: I am currently running Fedora Core 9 and want to play the game Counter-Strike: Source. I have wine, and have installed the program correctly and now all I need is a graphics driver for my nvidia card. The only problem is, I got the card so damn long ago I don't remember which one I have and honestly don't want to tear apart my computer to find it. Is there a way that I can find out through Linux which gfx card I'm using? I would find out on windows but I just recently formatted windows. Bad timing I guess :( haha.

Haha! You again! LOL

For nvidia: markupyum install --disablerepo=freshrpms kmod-nvidia

I don't know why you're even going to try playing..you know I am just going to totally obliterate you ;)

ghost's Avatar
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WOLFRAT SUCKS! Haha just kidding. Well when I type that in on my terminal this is the error I get:

"Error getting repository data for freshrpms, repository not found".

And yes Wolfrat you will totally own me haha.

ghost's Avatar
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xzebrax wrote: WOLFRAT SUCKS! Haha just kidding. Well when I type that in on my terminal this is the error I get:

"Error getting repository data for freshrpms, repository not found".

And yes Wolfrat you will totally own me haha.


  1. Open a Terminal.

  2. Become root:

    markupsu -

  3. Install the yum-priorities package:

    markupyum -y install yum-priorities

  4. Fix the yum-priorities configuration, by opening up a file:

    markupnano /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf

  5. The contents of that file look like:

 ```markup [main]
  enabled = 1```

  You need to add the line check_obsoletes = 1 to the bottom of the file, so that it looks like:

  enabled = 1
  check_obsoletes = 1
      And then save the file and close it.
   6. Now, install my package configuration (Updated 15 Jul 2008), using this command:

      ```markuprpm -Uvh http://www.fedorafaq.org/f9/yum http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-9.rpm```

- from http://www.fedorafaq.org/

ghost's Avatar
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when i get to the "check_obsoletes" section i cannot save the file I don't know where and/or how to save it.

ghost's Avatar
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LOL I'm a dumbass ok well I saved it and now I tried installing your package and the error I get this fucking time around is:

"file /etc/yum.repos.d/adobe-linux-i386.repo from install of yum-fedorafaq-9-2008.07.16.noarch conflicts with file from package adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch"

do i delete anything I recently got from adobe I.E. photoshop cs2?

ghost's Avatar
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xzebrax wrote: I am currently running Fedora Core 9 and want to play the game Counter-Strike: Source. I have wine, and have installed the program correctly and now all I need is a graphics driver for my nvidia card. The only problem is, I got the card so damn long ago I don't remember which one I have and honestly don't want to tear apart my computer to find it. Is there a way that I can find out through Linux which gfx card I'm using? I would find out on windows but I just recently formatted windows. Bad timing I guess :( haha.

I skimmed through this thread and, amazingly enough… no one mentioned the "lspci" command. So, there you go… to find out what hardware you have in your system, just go to a terminal and type "lspci". You'll want to pipe it into "less" or "grep VGA" or something to catch the results you're looking for.

ghost's Avatar
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When I type that in I get the following error:

"bash: lspci: command not found"

ghost's Avatar
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xzebrax wrote: When I type that in I get the following error:

"bash: lspci: command not found"

Try "/sbin/lspci" instead; apparently, Fedora has some path issues when you're running commands located in "sbin" as a non-root user.

ghost's Avatar
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goddamn it! zephyr you're totally a god for helping me out with this although I sent you a nasty PM the other day…lol. But once again another problem arises. I installed the driver and it says to type

sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.07-pkg1.run into a terminal and that should install it, but however when i do that this is another goddamn fucking error I get. [center] sh: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.07-pkg1.run: No such file or directory[/center]

i dont know what the fuck is going on with this piece of shit distro but I seriously think I'm going back to ubuntu.

ghost's Avatar
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xzebrax wrote: goddamn it! zephyr you're totally a god for helping me out with this although I sent you a nasty PM the other day…lol.

I'm used to hate mail. New members don't realize that I am only an asshole when I have a reason to be one. That's why you don't see established members getting pissed off at me for it.

But once again another problem arises. I installed the driver and it says to type

sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.07-pkg1.run into a terminal and that should install it, but however when i do that this is another goddamn fucking error I get. [center] sh: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-96.43.07-pkg1.run: No such file or directory[/center]

i dont know what the fuck is going on with this piece of shit distro but I seriously think I'm going back to ubuntu.

You could, but Ubuntu is gay after version 6.04 LTS. Anyways, if you quit now, it just means you'll quit at whatever you attempt that gets too hard. So, stick it out… let's try these steps:

  1. Is the file in your current directory? Type "ls" to check the directory contents.
  2. Are you typing the filename in the correct case-sensitive fashion? Start your "sh NVIDIA…" bit but, once you get the first few letters, press TAB and it should auto-complete the filename for you if you're typing it right to start with.
  3. Is the file executable? You shouldn't be getting this error for that reason, but type "ls -la | grep NVIDIA" just to make sure.