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fedora core 6 wireless

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Well where to start. I recently migrated to linux(woot) and everything is great, however I cannot get my wireless connection to work. As the title states I went with a fedora core 6 distro. I've read almost every article i could google on howto's and troubleshooting. I think i've narrowed it down to installing a driver/module/firmware…but as I am a newcommer to linux, I don't really have any idea what I'm doing. I found that my wireless card is an Intel Pro/Wireless 2200bg network connection. I've downloaded the source codes,

ieee80211-1.2.15.tgz ipw2200-1.2.0.tgz ipw2200-fw-3.0.tgz

but I have no idea how to implement/install them. If anyone could help me out with my problem or give me an entirely new direction, I would very gracious.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I got most of my info and source code from http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Ipw2200

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my experience is limited to ubuntu, debian and damn small but fedora shouldnt be too different. get the windows drivers (i think just a .sys and .inf were enough but they probably come with more files and i had to use 2 .inf files for just one wireless device) install ndiswrapper which is likely to be in one of your 5 fedora core disks. then follow ndiswrapper's instructions which can be easily googled to add the drivers to it and add it to modprobe (so it runs on startup) so more or less: cd to the drivers folder ndiswrapper -i driver(mind cases).inf depmod -a modprobe ndiswrapper reboot

modprobe ndiswrapper ndiswrapper -m (adds to modrpobe)

those are the notes i took when i did it in case i ever need to reinstall, they should work unless fedora is very different.

else, get the newest fedora release or ubuntu

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Hum…well thanks, i'll attempt that.

I tried ndiswrapper in knoppix though and it didn't work, i got the .sys and .ini files. but again, im not sure what im doing would you happen to know how i can differentiate which files i specifically need?

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the ones that anyone online ever said that they worked for him, the ones that are posted abd downloadable from linksys.com, netgear.com or any other wireless device vendor. the ones that are listed on the sites that gather ndiswrapper sites. and yeah its .inf not .ini

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lol (to the .ini vs .inf) that might be why…:angry:…well thanks, i'll try getting it to work again…