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ghost's Avatar
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I know wikipedia has its faults ect but it has allot of information in one easy to find site:

Can you all please leave all the topics anyone looking to become hacker needs to read?

Thanks to all that post ect.

ghost's Avatar
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I have just read the article you reccomended and i failed to find its relevance to hacking at all. If i wanted to become a Nurse/Doctor or phyciatric then maybe your article would be relevent but unfortunately it is not.

Anyone with any real unsarcastic comments please post.

spyware's Avatar
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Okay okay, here's an article: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

It won't help you though, if you are a true hacker, you would not have asked that question. Of course, I am not "the" judge, I cannot define hacking, or what makes a hacker real.

What I can say, and what I will say is the following: if you want to be a real hacker stop talking about subjects you do not possess any knowledge of. The best thing you can do is shut up, look around and learn.

When you are ready to voice your opinions, you will know it's time, but until that day comes: please shut up.

ghost's Avatar
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spyware wrote: Okay okay, here's an article: http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html

It won't help you though, if you are a true hacker, you would not have asked that question. Of course, I am not "the" judge, I cannot define hacking, or what makes a hacker real.

What I can say, and what I will say is the following: if you want to be a real hacker stop talking about subjects you do not possess any knowledge of. The best thing you can do is shut up, look around and learn.

When you are ready to voice your opinions, you will know it's time, but until that day comes: please shut up.

I can't say it any better than that, other than that "being a hacker" is 99% mentality. You have to NEED to learn, practice, and learn some more. If you're not committed to stuffing your brain with knowledge, then you will never be one.

What kind of knowledge? That's where you end up researching techniques and exploring on your own. There's no ready-made hacker formula; otherwise, this site would be polluted with a bunch of clones.

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allot of information in one easy to find site:

You mean like google? I'm pretty sure google is a site, and I think it has links to more information than wikipedia. I'm not sure though, I could be wrong…

And btw, the stuff you read on wikipedia isn't (in my opinion) reliable. I could go on there right now to the God page and type in that some scientists at MIT actually proved that there's no God…doesn't make it true..

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Skunkfoot wrote: And btw, the stuff you read on wikipedia isn't (in my opinion) reliable.

It's not completely reliable, no. You put a lot of trust in the people that contributed to it when you just skim through it. If you actually want to use the information reliably, you have to verify the sources at the bottom. If there are no sources, find a real source. IMO, Wiki should only be used as a quick glance anyways… if you need something more in-depth, just Google it.

ghost's Avatar
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The best thing to do when learning to hack is to READ READ AND NEVER STOP READING! some good sites are: www.google.com (duh;)) www.w3schools.com (great site for learning languages) http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/encrypter/index.php a great site to encrypt/decrypt!

and for the rest, don't just READ things, reading is good, but you'll learn more from DOING stuff (the challenges are a great help in this;)) and information sticks longer when you search it yourself;)

spyware's Avatar
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I lol'd

SySTeM's Avatar
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Deviance_13 wrote: The best thing to do when learning to hack is to READ READ AND NEVER STOP READING! some good sites are: www.google.com (duh;)) www.w3schools.com (great site for learning languages) http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/encrypter/index.php a great site to encrypt/decrypt!

and for the rest, don't just READ things, reading is good, but you'll learn more from DOING stuff (the challenges are a great help in this;)) and information sticks longer when you search it yourself;)

I boycott Yellowpipe, I prefer to use http://snarkles.net/scripts/sneak/sneak.php, the original place where Yellowpipe stole the encrypter/decrypter from.

Edit by spyware: Link broke up due "script" word protection. Copy 'n paste people =]

ghost's Avatar
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wikipedia cant and wont teach anyone to be a hacker. hang around hbh and some other hacking sites, read some tutorials, try some challenges(but dont become obsessed with points, the downfall of many newbies), and do more research into anything you think useful.

ghost's Avatar
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very true..

(I wasn't saying that nobody should ever visit wikipedia either, I use it alot, I'm just saying that you shouldn't trust it without looking to see who wrote what ;))

and noob is right in saying that the points dont matter. They really really don't. Take me for example. I had like 3500 points about a month ago, but I only knew very basic stuff. A lot of people just learn what they need to to beat the challenges and get the points, which is stupid because the challenges are meant to teach you the theory and methods of hacking :)

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but they fail at that too, as many of them are based on guesswork or hacks that will never happen.