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Rooting 1

ghost's Avatar
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Can I pm someone for help with this challenge. I'm getting no where looking around the forums and articles…maybe I'm just retarded I donno but anyway can I pm someone?

ghost's Avatar
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possibly look into unix commands? you have to know it to get anywhere, if you haven't beat basic 6 not such a good idea to try rooting challenges yet

ghost's Avatar
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yes I have beaten basic 6 with a bit of trouble

I'll let you know what I've done through a pm if you want

ghost's Avatar
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Ok then. May contain spoilers

Well first I used nmap>** given to generate that huge list of things. Then I used ftp>>** to connect to the server. Now is where I'm having the trouble. I've looked up different unix commands and figure I have to use ** to go through the directories, maybe something like ** to view a list of directories but it doesn't seem to work here, and *** to view the file. I found out the passwords are stored in //***** or //*** from using google. I also think I have to go back from the /home/ezekiel to the root and work from there. I've been told this can be done with "cd **" but it doesn't work.

This is basically what I've come up with and I'm stuck.

ghost's Avatar
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through pm, you almost gave it away there

ghost's Avatar
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Completed. Easy once I got that one little thing cleared up.