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App Patching

ghost's Avatar
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oke so I found the pass ,NOPed the jumps but I dont understand this: Yep, you got the password right. Now you need to edit the file and NOP over the jump. Once you have done that, calculate the MD5 of the file, and submit it as the answer. what md5, I don't know what to calculate and where is that , to calculate the password in a hash or I have no idea ,its driving me crazy ,please PM somebody what do I have to calculate ,I see no hash in the exe :-Q

ghost's Avatar
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In Linux, the md5sum command will give you the MD5 hash of the file.

In Windows, there are a number of options for generating the MD5 hash of a file. Google "md5 of file Windows" and find a decent freeware option to use.

SySTeM's Avatar
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You could also use PHP's md5_file() function.

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Congrats! 35 points has been added!

thx guys :D

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I got the password, NOPed the Jump but how i do to save the patched version to an exe file. I'm using OllyDbg

ghost's Avatar
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Ok first time i used the backup thing but now i used what you suggested first time, now i need to make that check sum and i'll see if it works. But for now it say that i have the right pass for any garbage i input.

ghost's Avatar
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Dr Optix: I took your route as well. What I did was (while in Olly) make note of the bytes I needed to change, as well as the few couple before that( so I could find it). Then open your patch1.exe with a hex-editor, search for the string, and nop(set for 90) the byte you made note of.