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Password protected folders

ghost's Avatar
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At my school, they have set something up so that if you try to access certain folders, a password prompt (that is the same as the IE .htpasswd prompt) appears.

I want to know how to do this on my comp at home, and whether or not it's built in to windows. I have turned on advanced file sharing and not found any option like this.

ghost's Avatar
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You have to use NTFS for this (assuming you use Windows XP/2000/2003).

  • Create the folder
  • Go to the Folder properties
  • Go to the Security TAB
  • Give the right users (you're username) permission to read from the folder, and the other users no permissions.

You don't get a password message when you try to open it as the wrong user, but it will show a error messageā€¦

ghost's Avatar
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Thanks, have done that and it's working.