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htaccess problems

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Im trying to set up some pretty simple .htaccess configurations on my server, but am having some pretty confusing problems. Here is the file I have so far…

<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all

<Files ~ "\.txt$">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

IndexIgnore *

All I am trying to do is disable all dir listing, stop access from the url bar to files with a .txt extension, and of course prevent the htaccess file itself from being accessed.

I have put this file in the root of my server, so it should affect all files and folders on it (so I gather), but I have observed some pretty odd behavior.

If I access a folder on my server, I get a directory listing (www.server.com/folder) If I access a .txt file in that folder, it gets denied (www.server.com/folder/test.txt) If I access another subfolder, I get a listing (www.server.com/folder/folder) If I access a file in that subfolder, I can view the contents (www.server.com/folder/folder/test.txt)

Can anyone see why this isnt working? I shouldnt be seeing these directory listings at all, and the .txt access is really confusing me…

Any help is much appreciated.

Cheers, JJ

clone4's Avatar
Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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check your httpd.conf file, search for htaccess string and you should find AllowOverride None directive. Change it to All, and restart the server ;) Oh and maybe instead of IndexIgnore *, you could use Options -Indexes, which will return 403 forbidden rather then empty index…

Also httpd.config denies by default access to htaccess files, so no necessity to include that…

ghost's Avatar
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Nice one :D

For some reason my httpd.conf seems pretty empty, theres only 5 lines, no comments or anything I expected to see.. Installed from an apt repo as well.

edit Still no joy, I have placed the following lines in my httpd.conf:

<Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All

But still no luck…

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Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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jjbutler88 wrote:

For some reason my httpd.conf seems pretty empty, theres only 5 lines, no comments or anything I expected to see.. Installed from an apt repo as well.

That certainly isn't right… Check this http://www.devside.net/guides/config/linux/httpd-conf. I'd send you mine, but currently I'm working under windows

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Perl-6 Wisdom Seeker
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MoshBat wrote: Repos are tailored for the OS, not your use…

but still 5 lines for a server config file seems a little weird to me…

@jjbutler: Have you restarted the server? (I know trivial, but I often forget to do that)


<Directory "here should be full path to your www folder">
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


ghost's Avatar
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Yeah, I have absolutely no idea how my apache was running with a 5 line config file, got the full version modified now, fixing it up for the errors then gonna give it a spin.

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Solved! Props to moshbat and clone4 for the help.

The real problem resided in the file '/etc/apache2/sites-available/default'. After changing the AllowOverride to All in there, everything was ok.

Cheers guys :D