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ghost's Avatar
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Ok, i dont know if this would qualify as graphics, but i was wondering if there are any template designers out here that would be willing to make me a template. I am looking for something so simple its not funny… its 2 columns and it could be made with just frames, the current template im using is made with frames, but it isn't stylish and its crammed in the left corner because of the frames.

Its just going to be a HTML template, nothing special. banner, big column, little column next to it….

http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/3416/untitledau1.png ^ this is pretty much all i want… just styled a little more and a banner….. and… all evened out

spyware's Avatar
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Just google for "free website templates", you will find what you need.

ghost's Avatar
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oh believe me, i have stripped google of every page.. i have yet to find the right one… then when i did, the admin shutdown the server extension, and wouldn't let me have the copy that was viewable.

ghost's Avatar
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@boris> why not learn to create some tables,and some css yourself? basicly,what you want should take some1 no longer the 15minutes? you can pm me,with what you exactly want,then maybe i can help you out.

ghost's Avatar
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hey, i just wondered this:

if the template you want is so simple, how come you cant find one on the entire internet?

im just starting CSS and its going pretty well, im producing some all right stuff so i could have a go if you wanted.

however, the template would have to have credit to me at the bottom, just a simple text link, not an image or anything.

anyway, if you are interested then PM me with a little more info.

ghost's Avatar
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necro that is a damn good question.. like i said i found the perfect one but, it wasnt for download, the admin just had it for show… anyway, i made my own… and its exactly what i wanted… B)

ghost's Avatar
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make a new html doc if you want to download something… just copy/paste from url and thats ur page, or view source if its something embedded.

<a href="urltowhateversite/dir/file.whatever">click me to download</a>

and you can open that to download…

I'm assuming that you can use this for "the perfect one" if it wasn't "up for download"…

I use this to get mp3s videos all the time (check out greasemonkey for firefox, with the youtube script!)

Hope this helps, if not, ignore the above :happy: