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Twitter Sig
The source thing for it
include ( "xmlparser.php" );
$latest = file_get_contents ( "latesttweet.txt" );
function getLatestTwitter ( $username, $password )
$p = new xmlParser();
$p->parse ( "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/mozzer.xml?count=1" );
return trim ($p->output[0]['child'][0]['child'][2]['content'] );
$text = wordwrap ( "Lastest Twitter:\n" . getLatestTwitter("mozzer", "monday"), 27, "\n", true );
if ( $latest !== $text )
fwrite ( fopen ( "latesttweet.txt", "w" ), $text );
$im = imagecreatefromjpeg ( "twittersig.jpg" );
$textcolour = imagecolorallocate ( $im, 0, 0, 0 );
imagettftext ( $im, 10, 0, 160, 50, $textcolour, "georgia", $text );
imagejpeg ( $im, "twitter.jpg" );
imagepng ( $im, "twitter.png" );
imagedestroy ( $im );
echo "Twitter Updated";
} else {
echo "No new twitter";
I'll be using the JPG though, 1/3 the file size
EDIT: The actual sig design was by 0rijin4l